Better health and happiness are just one step away.  

And it's time to make it happen.

Let's do this together


I'm so glad you're here.

Traditional healthcare is great if you break a leg or need antibiotics.

But what about your health in between?

You're left trying to stay on top of new recommendations, scour the internet for answers (hoping they're accurate), and figure out how to make it all happen in between all the tasks already on your plate.

My mission is to help fill that gap and take away that overwhelm.

Women just like you are navigating their way around challenges, becoming gentler with themselves, decreasing negative self talk, and making their health more of a priority.

Now it's your turn.

Let's Cut To The Chase

You don't need green powders or expensive gadgets to be healthier. 

What you need is to make the basics consistent and non-negotiable in your life. I'm talking about the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine blended with the science of how humans thrive. 

If you've been doing all the things and wondering why you don't feel better, or are struggling to find consistency when it comes to your health, it's time to try a new strategy. 

It's time to join The Village. 

I need this.

Hi, I'm Laura Cochrane

(PA turned lifestyle medicine educator + mom health coach)

In 2021, while working nearly full-time as a PA, having just had our third child, and advising patients to take care of their health, it became very obvious that I was only taking care of parts of mine. 

I was eating "cleanly" and exercising regularly, but I was burned out, resentful, irritable, and overwhelmed.

And eventually, I decided that's enough.

I started researching how humans thrive physically and mentally (to see if it was even a real thing...) and started experimenting on myself.

I was shocked as I began noticing more energy, clarity, motivation, happiness, and purpose. I had never felt as good as I do now physically and mentally, and knew I had to help other people do the same.


"I was ready to start a new chapter of life and a new wellness journey. Each session Laura created a safe space to find more of myself, move forward in a healthy way - both physically and mentally, and it was a deeper dive than I have found in anything else."

- Karina J.

"Before coaching I was not motivated and didn't know how to make my goals achievable. Movement is starting to become a priority and habit in my life again. I have loved the opportunity to express myself, feel heard, learn techniques to make long-term changes sustainable, and grow in my physical and mental health." 

- Isabelle S. 

"Before I started coaching I was stuck inside my head, full of self-doubt and guilt, I was anxious, overwhelmed, sad, apathetic, and felt like a burden. I feel worthy, confident, joyful, and have found my voice even when it’s scary to use it. I laugh a lot more, and put time into the things that matter to me. It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted <3."

- Leah S.

Tired of feeling like you're not doing enough when it comes to your wellness?

Here's how you change that.


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